Thursday, January 05, 2006


auntie jenny and uncle jamie got married. they like each other alot. i love them.


antie jenny and uncle jamie are crazy about their love.



What is it that makes some people always want to be early for things, and some people not give a crap about it at all? And what is it that or what age is it that sleeping in on the weekends is impossible?

I am such an early person...always trying to be on time, almost always trying to be early for things. Early mornings are the time of day that I shine...I can get more done in the first 2 hours of being up in the morning than I get done all day.

My friend Bradley posted on his blog today about how he feels he is keeping "old man hours" as of late. Im not sure that I will call these hours we seem to be keeping lately "old person" related, moreso I shall call them..."not wanting to be lazy and have too much crap to do hours". Should I get to sleep in in the morning, I awake to feeling like crap about all the things I could have gotten done.....why the hell is that?

Ah well, its 8:40 am on sunday, I'd better get at it.

things that make me smile...

1. My sister phoning me asking me for advise about her wedding invitations.

2. Having brie and pear sammaches with my dear friend Erin.

3. Dreaming about my friend Sharon becoming a Mom.

4. Listening to my Bradley tell me all about all of the things he gets excited about.